Integrative Medicine

Looking for an integrative doctor near me? Integrative medicine combines the best of conventional medicine with complementary and alternative therapies. This patient-centred approach focuses on treating the whole person. Our listed integrative doctors work collaboratively with you to develop a personalised plan that addresses the root cause of your health concerns. They are skilled in utilising traditional Western medicine alongside evidence-based complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and nutritional counselling.

This integrative approach can offer a multitude of benefits. It can help manage chronic conditions, improve mental and emotional well-being, and enhance your overall sense of vitality. If you're looking for a healthcare provider who listens to your concerns and tailors a plan to your unique needs, consider seeking an integrative doctor near you.

Integrative Medicine

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Australasian Integrative Medicine Association

AIMA leads and facilitates the development of integrative medical care as being core to the health and wellbeing of individuals and society as a whole.

What is a
Integrative Medicine Practitioner


What should I expect during an integrative medicine consultation?

During an integrative medicine consultation, the practitioner will take a comprehensive look at your health, including your medical history, lifestyle, emotional well-being, and social and environmental factors. You will discuss your health goals, and the practitioner will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that may include both conventional medical treatments and complementary therapies. The focus is on collaboration and empowering you to take an active role in your health.

What types of conditions can integrative medicine treat?

Integrative medicine can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, cancer, insomnia, and stress-related conditions. It is also commonly used for general wellness and disease prevention, as well as to support recovery from surgery or illness.

How is integrative medicine different from conventional medicine?

Integrative medicine differs from conventional medicine in that it focuses on treating the whole person rather than just specific symptoms or diseases. It combines conventional medical practices with complementary therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, yoga, mindfulness, and nutrition. Integrative medicine also places a strong emphasis on prevention and promoting long-term wellness, while conventional medicine typically focuses on treating acute illnesses and symptoms.