Dr. Annette Webb
Dr Annette Webb** **is a Consultant Paediatrician, Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist and Integrative Medicine Physician.
Her research interests are in the area of novel mind-body therapies and functional gut diseases.
Dr Webb likes to utilize a whole person approach, incorporating all aspects of her Medical Specialist and formal Child and Adolescent Psychiatry training when seeing patients.
Currently, she combines a busy private practice with a Public Hospital appointment at the Royal Melbourne Hospital where she heads the Gut Focused Hypnotherapy Clinic in the Deptartment of Gastroenterology
As significant biographical information she:
· was formerly Head of the IBS Clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne and has also been the Foundation Director of Paediatric Integrative Medicine at the National Institute of Integrative Medicine in Melbourne.
· was previously a Team Leader of the Psychopharmacology Team and Senior Research Physician at the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre in Melbourne, where she was involved in researching emerging and new therapies for complex mental health disorders.
· won the prestigious Emerging Leaders in Medicine Award from Astra Zenica and was awarded MCRI & NHMRC awards for her doctoral studies (MD) research into novel therapies for complex and chronic abdominal pain.
She is currently President Elect of the Australian Society of Hypnosis and takes up the Presidency at the Society’s AGM in October 2021.
As a mother to two teenage children, as a wife and daughter, she understands the complexities and challenges of raising a family in this modern era.
In her spare time, she plays women’s cricket which she loves and also runs, trying to do better at both of these.
(See www.drannettewebb.com.au for a more detailed career biography)
Educational Background
MBBS - University of Melbourne, Australia in 1993
Dip Clin Hypn - University of Melbourne, Australia
MD - University of Melbourne, Australia
FRACP - Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Australia
FALSM- Fellow of the Australasian Lifestyle Medicine Association
MAICD- Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
Diploma of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (Yr1)