Dr Ivana Matic-Stancin
Dr. Ivana believes in implementing a comprehensive, whole-person approach. By addressing the physical and psychosocial aspects of the individual, she no longer focuses only on their particular diagnosis but on the whole person in their environment. Ivana believes that is the way towards health and flourishment. That belief is rooted in Lifestyle Medicine, Positive Psychology, and Health Coaching philosophy.She is passionate about Women’s Health, particularly healthy aging during the perimenopausal transition. Her predominant focus is on Perimenopausal & Menopausal Health and Flourishing.
Ivana offers three services:
1/ In-Clinic Medical comprehensive one-on-one 60-minute consultation in her GP Clinic in Braybrook, Victoria. (Contact Maxwell Medical Group for the appointment. New patients accepted only in Menopause Clinic)
2/CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) program is a six-week in-person course offered in a small group setting in three Melbourne clinics:
Contact Maxwell Medical Group for information, bookings and waiting list for Saturday sessions.
Contact Maven Centre for information, bookings and waiting list for Wednesday evening sessions.
Contact Wyndham Clinic Private Hospital for information, booking and waiting list on Thursday morning sessions.
3/ Two Online services: Individual Lifestyle Health Coaching/Therapy & Online CBT group program:
For individual online Lifestyle coaching/Therapy book:
For Small Group CBT online group program email Ivana at: info@doctorivana.com.au, for information about the program and expression of interest.
Educational Background
MD at University of Belgrade in 1990 Dip Obs&Gyne at Auckland University in 2002 FRACGP.
RACGP at Melbourne in 2008 Diploma in Positive Psychology at Langley Institute Sydney in 2016
Fellow of ASLM at ASLM in 2020
Mastery level of Health Coaching at Accredited Health Coaching Australia, HCANZA in 2023